
AS IEC 60060.1 pdf download

AS IEC 60060.1 pdf download

AS IEC 60060.1 pdf download.High-voltage test techniques
1 Scope
This part of IEC 60060 is applicable to: – dielectric tests with direct voltage; – dielectric tests with alternating voltage; – dielectric tests with impulse voltage; – dielectric tests with combinations of the above. This part is applicable to tests on equipment having its highest voltage for equipment U m above 1 kV. NOTE 1 Alternative test procedures may be required to obtain reproducible and significant results. The choice of a suitable test procedure should be made by the relevant Technical Committee. NOTE 2 For voltages U m above 800 kV meeting some specified procedures, tolerances and uncertainties may not be achievable.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1 Definitions related to characteristics of discharges 3.1.1 disruptive discharge failure of insulation under electric stress, in which the discharge completely bridges the insulation under test, reducing the voltage between electrodes to practically zero NOTE 1 Non-sustained disruptive discharge in which the test object is momentarily bridged by a spark or arc may occur. During these events the voltage across the test object is momentarily reduced to zero or to a very small value. Depending on the characteristics of the test circuit and the test object, a recovery of dielectric strength may occur and may even allow the test voltage to reach a higher value. Such an event should be interpreted as a disruptive discharge unless otherwise specified by the relevant Technical Committee. NOTE 2 A disruptive discharge in a solid dielectric produces permanent loss of dielectric strength; in a liquid or gaseous dielectric the loss may be only temporary. 3.1.2 sparkover disruptive discharge that occurs in a gaseous or liquid dielectric 3.1.3 flashover disruptive discharge that occurs over the surface of a dielectric in a gaseous or liquid dielectric 3.1.4 puncture disruptive discharge that occurs through a solid dielectric 3.1.5 disruptive-discharge voltage value of a test object value of the test voltage causing disruptive discharge, as specified, for the various tests, in the relevant clauses of the present standard 3.1.6 non-disruptive discharge discharge between intermediate electrodes or conductors where the test voltage does not collapse to zero NOTE 1 Such an event should not be interpreted as a disruptive discharge unless so specified by the relevant Technical Committee. NOTE 2 Some non-disruptive discharges are termed “partial discharges” and are dealt with in IEC 60270. 3.2 Definitions relating to characteristics of the test voltage 3.2.1 prospective characteristics of a test voltage characteristics which would have been obtained if no disruptive discharge had occurred. 3.2.4 withstand voltage of a test object specified prospective voltage value which characterizes the insulation of the object with regard to a withstand test NOTE 1 Unless otherwise specified, withstand voltages are referred to standard reference atmospheric conditions (see 4.3.1 ). NOTE 2 This applies to external insulation only. 3.2.5 assured disruptive-discharge voltage of a test object specified prospective voltage value which characterizes its performance with regard to a disruptive-discharge test 3.3 Definitions relating to tolerance and uncertainty 3.3.1 tolerance constitutes the permitted difference between the measured value and the specified value NOTE 1 This difference should be distinguished from the uncertainty of a measurement. NOTE 2 A pass/fail decision is based on the measured value, without consideration of the measurement uncertainty. 3.3.2 uncertainty (of measurement) parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could be reasonably attributed to the measurand [IEV 31 1 -01 -02] NOTE 1 In this standard, all uncertainty values are specified at a level of confidence of 95 %. NOTE 2 Uncertainty is positive and given without sign. NOTE 3 It should not be confused with the tolerance of a test-specified value or parameter. 3.4 Definitions relating to statistical characteristics of disruptive-discharge voltage values 3.4.1 disruptive-discharge probability of a test object p probability that one application of a certain prospective voltage value of a given shape will cause disruptive discharge in the test object NOTE The parameter p may be expressed as a percentage or a proper fraction.

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