
AS ISO 13007.1 pdf download

AS ISO 13007.1 pdf download

AS ISO 13007.1 pdf download,Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives
1  Scope
This part of ISO 13007 applies to ceramic tile adhesives for internal and external tile installations on walls and floors. This part of ISO 13007 gives the terminology, concerning the products, working methods, application properties, etc., for ceramic tile adhesives This part of ISO 13007 specifies the values of performance requirements for all ceramic tile adhesives [cementitious (C), dispersion (D) and reaction resin (R) adhesives]. This part of ISO 13007 does not contain criteria or recommendations for the design and installation of ceramic tiles. NOTE  Ceramic tile adhesives can also be used for other types of tiles (natural and agglomerated stones, etc.), where these do not adversely affect the materials.
3  Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 substrate fixing surface surface on which the tile is installed or fixed 3.2 wall and floor tiles tiles made out of ceramic tile or natural and agglomerated stones Note 1 to entry: ISO 13006 should be used for definitions, classification, characteristics and marking of ceramic tile. 3.3 cementitious adhesive (C) mixture of hydraulic binding agents, aggregates, and organic additives, to be mixed with water or liquid admix just before use 3.4 dispersion adhesive (D) ready for use mixture of organic binding agent(s) that is in the form of an aqueous polymer dispersion, organic additives and mineral fillers 3.5 reaction resin adhesive (R) single or multi-component mixture of synthetic resin, mineral fillers and organic additives in which curing occurs by chemical reaction 3.6 notched trowel toothed tool, which makes it possible to apply the adhesive as a series of ribs of a uniform thickness onto the fixing surface and/or the reverse face of the tile 3.7 application to one surface only adhesive applied only to the fixing surface with a trowel to obtain a uniform layer and then combed with a notched trowel 3.8 application to both surfaces adhesive applied to the fixing surface and to the reverse surface of the tiles 3.9 shelf life time of storage under stated conditions during which an adhesive may be expected to maintain its working properties 3.10 maturing Time interval between the time when the cementitious adhesive is mixed and the time when it is ready for use 3.11 pot-life time interval during which the adhesive can be used after mixing 3.12 open time maximum time interval after application at which tiles can be embedded in the applied adhesive and meet the specified tensile adhesion strength requirement 3.13 slip downward movement of a tile applied to a combed adhesive layer on a vertical surface 3.14 adjustability maximum time interval after which the tile’s position in the adhesive layer can be adjusted without significant loss of adhesion strength 3.15 adhesion strength maximum strength per unit surface area which can be measured by shear or tensile testing 3.16 deformability capacity of a hardened adhesive to be deformed by stresses between the tile and the fixing surface without damage to the installed surface 3.17 transverse deformation deflection recorded at the center when a beam of hardened adhesive is subjected to three point loading3.18 fundamental characteristics characteristics that an adhesive absolutely must have 3.19 additional characteristics characteristics for specific service conditions where enhanced levels of performance are required 3.20 special characteristics characteristics of the adhesive which provide further information about its general performance
5  Requirements
5.1  Substrates The standard concrete substrate is mandatory. Other substrates may be used upon agreement if the substrate is recommended for the ceramic tile application by the adhesive manufacturer. 5.1.1  Exterior Glue Plywood The exterior glue plywood substrate shall conform to the requirements for exterior plywood 1) . Test substrate must be at least 18,25 mm (23/32 of an inch) in thickness and must be selected from the Group 1 wood species with a wood veneer quality of “C-C plugged” or better and have no visible flaws in the “C-plugged” test area. Plywood with at least one C plugged side as the test surface is preferred 2) .

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