
AS ISO 21507 pdf download

AS ISO 21507 pdf download

AS ISO 21507 pdf download.Earth-moving machinery — Performance requirements for non-metallic fuel tanks
3  Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 non-metallic fuel tank enclosed compartment on a machine made of a non-metallic material that holds fuel 3.2 operator station space on the machine where the operator is stationed to control the machine functions 3.3 tank installation system that includes the non-metallic tank, the filler cap and any pipes or tubes that are connected to the tank 3.4 machine ignition temperature area area on a machine where components have hot surfaces greater than 200 °C and could ignite materials or fuel in direct contact or close proximity EXAMPLE Engine exhaust manifold system.
4  Requirements
4.1  Protection The tank shall be protected, by parts of the machine frame or the outer structure, from contact with obstacles under or around the machine. Alternatively, any unprotected tank sections shall pass the impact testing specified in 5.1.5. Tubing or piping connected to the tank shall be protected by shielding such as braided or spiral sleeves, specific guards, or guarding by location. 4.2  Corrosion resistance The tank installation shall be designed, constructed and installed to resist any corrosion from both the internal (within the fuel system) and external environment. Where necessary, protection (e.g. plating of metal parts) should be provided. 4.3  Installation The tank installation shall accommodate the twisting and bending movements and vibrations of the machine. The connections of flexible pipes with rigid parts of the tank installation shall be so designed and constructed as to maintain a sealed connection under these dynamic conditions. The tank shall be securely fixed. The installation arrangement or construction shall ensure that any fuel leaking from the tank, its filler hole or its connections shall not collect into pools without a passive means for drainage. If the tank will contain gasoline, the tank installation shall be designed and installed in the machine such that any ignition hazard due to static electricity is avoided. If the filler hole is located on the side of the machine, the filler cap shall not, when closed, project beyond the external envelope of the machine.The non-metallic fuel tank should be located on a machine so that it is neither in direct contact with, nor within 20 mm of, the surface of a machine ignition temperature area. If the tank is located within 20 mm of the surface of a machine ignition temperature area, then some protection for the tank shall be provided. Non-metallic tank material that has temperature resistance greater than the maximum surface temperatures of the machine ignition temperature area satisfies this requirement. 4.4  Location restriction Tanks shall not form a wall of an operator’s cab. On machines without an operator’s cab, tank surfaces or portions of the tank adjacent to the operator station shall be located outside the minimum operator space envelope as it is defined in ISO 3411. The filler hole shall be located outside of the operator station. 4.5  Performance Any fuel that can leak when the tank is being filled shall be directed away or shielded from any machine ignition temperature area.
5  Test methods
5.1  Pressure and mechanical strength test of the tank Pressure and mechanical strength tests shall be performed on tanks meeting the permeability requirements of 5.2. 5.1.1  Strength test A pressure and mechanical strength test shall be performed on a tank installation, complete with standard tank connections, filler neck and cap. The tank shall be filled to its rated capacity with water. The water temperature during the test shall be 53 °C. All connections with the tank shall be blocked. The tank shall be subjected to a relative internal pressure of 0,03 MPa at a temperature of 53 °C ± 2 °C for a period of 5 h. During the test, the tank shall not leak or crack; however, it may be permanently deformed. 5.1.2  Inversion test An inversion test shall be performed on the tank installation in the conditions defined in 5.1.1, except that a pressure compensation device (if fitted) shall be in its operational state, i.e. not blocked. The tank installation shall be rotated successively through 90°, 180° and 270° about an axis parallel to the longitudinal centreline of the machine to simulate machine tip/roll-over. The tank installation shall be held in each of the rotated positions for at least 5 min. Leakage through the filler cap or pressure compensation device shall not exceed a drip rate of 30 g/min.

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