
AS ISO 30405 pdf download

AS ISO 30405 pdf download

AS ISO 30405 pdf download.Human resource management — Guidelines on recruitment
1 Scope
This document provides guidance on how to attract, source, assess and recruit people. It focuses on key processes and practices, including: recruitment policy development; the flow from the sourcing of potential applicants to the boarding of new recruits; evaluation and measurement. This document can be used by any organization regardless of type or size. NOTE In larger organizations, the recruitment function is ty pically carried out by human resource professionals or recruitment experts. In smaller organizations, recruitment can be performed by people without formal human resource training or experience. This document can be used by anyone performing this function, as well as human resource educators and consultants who determine, analyse and report on recruitment.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 30400 and the following apply., ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: . -ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp 一IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ 3.1 applicant person who is interested in and who has applied for a job 3.2 applicant pool people who have formally applied for a specific job 3.3 assess (verb) ascertain work-related knowledge, skills, abilities or other characteristics of an individual or group of individuals 3.4 assessment systematic method and procedure for ascertaining work-related knowledge, skills, abilities or other characteristics of people or a group of people, or the performance of people or a group of people EXAMPLE Tests, assessment centres, instruments or tools used to assess (3.3) people in workplace contexts. [SOURCE: ISO 10667-1:2011, 2.2, modified]  3.5 attract (verb) generate and induce interest of the potential targeted applicants (3.1) 3.6 boarding activities following pre-boarding (3.13), which typically occur on the first day of work Note 1 to entry: The recruitment (3.14) process ends when the candidate (3.7) reports for work and the requisition (3.15) is closed. The candidate becomes an employee on the first day he/she reports for work. On-boarding commences after the candidate reports to work, and is considered a separate process. 3.7 candidate applicant (3.1) who is interested in and qualified for a job, and who is of interest to the organization 3.8 employ (verb) engage the services of a person, or put a person to work 3.09 employer brand organization’s reputation and differentiating characteristics as an employer within and outside the organization 3.10 job description list of specific or general tasks, or functions, and goals or responsibilities of a position, as well as organizational conditions under which those tasks and functions are to be performed Note 1 to entry: A job description can include the organizational structure. 3.11 person specification job specification knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics needed by a person to perform the job 3.12 potential talent pool people who have, or who can develop, the knowledge, skills, abilities or other characteristics to perform a specific function for the organization, regardless of whether they would ever apply to work for the organization Note 1 to entry: Members of the potential talent pool can move to the talent pool (3.20] if they develop the knowledge, skills, abilities or other characteristics that they do not currently possess. 3.13 pre-boarding activities necessary to move a candidate (3.7) from accepting an offer to the first day of employment 3.14 recruitment process of sourcing (3.16), attracting (3.5), assessing (3.3) and employing (3.8) talent (3.18) for an existing or new position within the organization 3.15 requisition request to recruit people 3.16 source (verb) identify a pool of potential applicants (3.1)

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