
AS ISO 9906 pdf download

AS ISO 9906 pdf download

AS ISO 9906 pdf download.Rotodynamic pumps — Hydraulic performance acceptance tests — Grades 1, 2 and 3
1  Scope
This International Standard specifies hydraulic performance tests for customers’ acceptance of rotodynamic pumps (centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps, hereinafter “pumps”). This International Standard is intended to be used for pump acceptance testing at pump test facilities, such as manufacturers’ pump test facilities or laboratories. It can be applied to pumps of any size and to any pumped liquids which behave as clean, cold water. This International Standard specifies three levels of acceptance: — grades 1B, 1E and 1U with tighter tolerance; — grades 2B and 2U with broader tolerance; — grade 3B with even broader tolerance. This International Standard applies either to a pump itself without any fittings or to a combination of a pump associated with all or part of its upstream and/or downstream fittings.
3  Terms, definitions, symbols and subscripts
3.1  Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms, definitions, quantities and symbols given in ISO 17769-1 and 17769-2 and the following apply. NOTE 1  Table 1 gives an alphabetical list of the symbols used and Table 2 gives a list of subscripts; see 3.3. NOTE 2  All formulae are given in coherent SI units. For conversion of other units to SI units, see Annex I. 3.1.1  General terms NOTE  All of the types of test in 3.1.1 apply to guarantee point to fulfil the customer’s specification(s). guarantee point flow/head (Q/H) point, which a tested pump shall meet, within the tolerances of the agreed acceptance class factory performance test pump test performed to verify the initial performance of new pumps as well as checking for repeatability of production units, accuracy of impeller trim calculations, performance with special materials, etc. Note 1 to entry: A typical performance test consists of the measurement of flow, head and power input to the pump or pump test motor. Additional measurements, such as NPSH, may be included as agreed upon. A factory test is understood to mean testing at a dedicated test facility, often at a pump manufacturer’s plant or at an independent pump test facility.  non-witnessed pump test factory test test performed without the presence of a purchaser’s representative, in which the pump manufacturer is responsible for the data collection and judgement of pump acceptance Note 1 to entry: The advantage of this test is cost savings and accelerated pump delivery to the pump user. In many cases, if the purchaser is familiar with the performance of the pump (e.g. identical pump model order), a factory non-witnessed test may be acceptable. signed factory test test performed without the presence of a purchaser’s representative, in which the pump manufacturer is responsible for compliance with the parameters of the agreed acceptance class Note 1 to entry: The pump manufacturer conducts the test, passes judgement of pump acceptance and produces a signed pump test document. The advantage of this test is the same as seen on the non-witnessed test. Compared to a witnessed test, this test is substantially less expensive and often leads to accelerated pump delivery to the end user.  witnessed pump test Note  The witnessing of a pump test by a representative of the pump purchaser can serve many useful functions. There are various ways of witnessing a test. witnessing by the purchaser’s representative testing physically attended by a representative of the purchaser, who signs off on the raw test data to certify that the test is performed satisfactorily Note 1 to entry: It is possible for final acceptance of the pump performance to be determined by the witness. The benefit of witness testing depends largely on the effectiveness and expertise of the witness. A witness cannot only ensure the test is conducted properly, but also observes operation of the pump during testing prior to pump shipment to the job site. A disadvantage of witness testing can be extended delivery times and excessive cost. With just-in-time manufacturing methods, the scheduling of witness testing requires flexibility on the part of the witness and can lead to additional costs if the schedule of the witness causes delays in manufacturing. remote witnessing by the purchaser’s representative pump performance testing witnessed from a distance by the purchaser or his/her representative Note 1 to entry: With a remote camera system, the purchaser can monitor the entire testing remotely in real- time. The raw data, as recorded by the data acquisition system, can be viewed and analysed during the test, and the results can be discussed and submitted for approval. The advantages of this type of testing are savings in travel costs and accelerated pump delivery.

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