
AS NZS 1158.3.1 pdf download

AS NZS 1158.3.1 pdf download

AS NZS 1158.3.1 pdf download.Lighting for roads and public spaces
1.1.1 Scope
This Standard specifies performance and design requirements for Category P lighting schemes as described in AS/NZS 1158.0. It also specifies the luminaire data and other data that is needed to facilitate the lighting design and the assessment of conformance to the requirements of this Standard. This Standard assigns various levels of required performance based on an assessment of degree of activity, fear of crime and the required aesthetic appeal (i.e. ‘amenity’). In achieving the required performance, attention is paid to minimizing adverse effects on the night time environment. This Standard does not apply to roads in which one or a number of luminaires may be installed at irregular intervals on an otherwise unlit road, nor to additional luminaires installed in lit roads for reasons of increased security, including instances where such luminaires are typical of those used in Category P lighting schemes. This Standard does not cover lighting intended specifically as security lighting for building exteriors, nor does it cover lighting for video surveillance. However, where video surveillance is provided, the lighting principles and performance requirements expressed in this Standard still apply. This Standard does not cover lighting requirements for ‘wayfinding’ or ‘waypoint’ lighting where lights are intended to provide a guide rather than to provide a particular level of illumination. This Standard does not apply in Australia to public transport areas where the mandatory requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and subordinate instruments including the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (Cth) (DSAPT) and the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 (Cth) (Premises Standards) are applicable. See Clause 2.1. This Standard is intended to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 1158.0, AS/NZS 1158.2, AS/NZS 1158.1.1, AS/NZS 60598.2.3 and SA/SNZ TS 1158.6, which specify related provisions that may require consideration.
1.1.2 Application
Subject to the requirements of applicable laws, the choice of whether to install a scheme of road or public space lighting in conformance to this Standard and, if so, which subcategory of lighting is appropriate, rests with the client (usually the applicable road controlling authority). This decision is typically based on factors such as night-time pedestrian traffic flows and other patterns of use.
Figure 2.1 shows representative land use types and associated road and public space classifications together with the applicable lighting categories and subcategories. NOTE: Selection of the appropriate lighting subcategory for a road or public space is governed by Tables 2.1 to 2.5 for Category P areas and AS/NZS 1158.1.1 for Category V areas. The exact names of the various road types and their associated operating characteristics may vary between relevant authorities. In addition, the layout of roads in older suburbs may not conform to the schematic layout shown in Figure 2.1. In particular, the local roads and some arterials might coalesce into a grid arrangement of roads. It is therefore important that the documentation for the lighting design clearly states the road or public space type and associated lighting subcategory that have been assigned. When determining the applicable lighting category and subcategory each separate element needs to be assessed by considering its own particular operational characteristic. Special attention should be given to the likely night time usage. This may differ with respect to traffic density or the presence of pedestrians to that existing during the day. For example, a neighbourhood collector road may have relatively low traffic volumes with pedestrian activity during the day, but at night be used by heavy vehicles servicing industrial or retail precincts.Public spaces within public transport boundaries (including, but not limited to, walkways, pedestrian crossings, disability car parking spaces) are subject to Commonwealth Legislation. Designers should refer to the DSAPT and the Premises Standards, which contain specific illumination requirements, and to AS 1428.2—1992. Further information on the implementation on both of the DSAPT and the Premises Standards is available from their guidelines. Otherwise public spaces surrounding public transport boundaries shall be classified in accordance with this Standard.

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