
AS NZS 1301.458 pdf download

AS NZS 1301.458 pdf download

AS NZS 1301.458 pdf download.Methods of test for pulp and paper
4  Apparatus
The following apparatus is required: (a) Tensile testing machine and attachment, A testing machine which applies a progressively increasing tensile load at a rate of 10.0 ± 0.5 N/min and is calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications to ensure that it indicates the maximum load at failure to within 0.01 N. The machine is fitted with a special clamping device which is described in Appendix A. A separate comb with appropriate rod spacing shall be provided for each flute spacing to be tested. An example of a suitable horizontal set-up is depicted in Figure 1. Vertical arrangements can also be used. (b) Test piece holders, A supply of test piece holders 40 mm wide, at least 1.2 mm thick and a length suitable for the testing machine, see Figure 2. The strips may have a hole or hook near one end for attaching to the draw bar of the testing machine. (c) Water tank or bath and fixtures, A thermostatically controlled water bath or tank to maintain the temperature of the water at 40 °C ± 1 °C. In the bath or tank shall be fittings to which the test piece holders can be mounted vertically to ensure that the tops of the test pieces are submerged to a depth of 25 mm to 30 mm. (d) Test piece cutter, A double-bladed pneumatic cutter as specified in AS/NZS 1301.444. NOTE  A double-bladed pneumatic cutter is usually unsuitable for cutting test pieces from triple-wall board and some heavyweight double-wall board. A cutting device, such as a high-speed table saw, may be more suitable. (e) Thin-bladed knife, The blade should be 0.3 mm to 0.6 mm thick. (f) Stop watch or timer. (g) Tape, Double-sided adhesive tape with adequate water resistance.
5  Preparation of test pieces
5.1  Sample selection Select a sample or samples, representative of the corrugated fibreboard to be evaluated and large enough to permit the cutting of the requisite number of test pieces. Test pieces shall be free from damage or other irregularities and, unless agreed otherwise between the interested parties, free from converting machine marks. Samples shall be marked to facilitate later identification of the sides. If the two sides cannot be easily distinguished prior to cutting the strips, mark the sample or samples such that all test pieces will carry the mark on the same side in an area that will not be tested. If the two sides are indistinguishable and a single sample is required, mark the sample in the same manner. If the sides are indistinguishable and more than one sample is required, mark each sample in a similar manner with a different mark on each sample e.g. using a different colour. In this case it is not possible to know if the same side of each sample bears the mark. Samples do not need to be conditioned under any particular temperature or relative humidity conditions; however, they shall be set aside for curing prior to the test. 5.2  Curing time Allow the sample to cure for 24 h to ensure that the glue bond reaches maximum strength. If it is suspected after testing that the glue bond had not fully cured, allow the sample to cure for a further 24 h and retest. 5.3  Cutting of test pieces Cut strips of board in the machine-direction by using the cutter described in Clause 4(d). Strips shall be 25.0 mm ± 0.2 mm wide in the cross-machine direction For ease of distinguishing the sides after the strips have been cut into test pieces, lightly mark one side of each strip e.g. draw a line along the strip with a coloured marker pen. Using the thin-bladed knife, cut each strip into test pieces. Each test piece shall have four glue lines on the side to be tested and five on the other side.

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