
AS NZS 1604.2 pdf download

AS NZS 1604.2 pdf download

AS NZS 1604.2 pdf download.Preservative-treated wood- based products
1.1  Scope
This Standard specifies minimum requirements for verifying the conformance of preservative-treated wood‑based products to AS/NZS 1604.1. 1.2  Application This Standard shall be applied to make a statement regarding conformance of preservative‑treated wood‑based products with AS/NZS 1604.1 whereby: (a) Products classified as “verified”, using the requirements herein, shall be claimed to be in conformance with AS/NZS 1604.1. (b) Products classified as “conditionally verified”, using the requirements herein, shall be subject to additional conditions, which may include further verification activities. After two consecutive “conditionally verified” results, the products being verified shall not be claimed to be in conformance with AS/NZS 1604.1. (c) Products classified as “not verified”, using the requirements herein, shall not be claimed to be in conformance with AS/NZS 1604.1. NOTE  The following normative and informative appendices are provided to support the assessment of conformance, as referenced in Clause 2: (a) Appendix A — Reference method for verifying penetration and retention. (b) Appendices B, C and D — Deemed to satisfy methods that have been calibrated to give a similar retention verification outcome. (c) Appendix E — Methods for verifying natural durability (timber species) and marking. (d) Appendix F — Guidance on sampling. (e) Appendix G — Guidance on interpreting verification outcomes. (f) Appendix H — Requirements for sampling and preparation of test specimens. (g) Appendix I — Worked examples for retention verification using Appendices A, B, C and D.
1.4  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS/NZS 4491, AS/NZS 1604.1 and those below apply. Where the definitions in this Standard differ from those given in AS/NZS 4491 those below apply. 1.4.1 batch quantity of preservative-treated wood-based products of the same product type produced by the same process over a specified period of time, or a supplied parcel or shipment of preservative-treated wood- based products of the same product type, treatment chemical(s) and hazard class 1.4.2 batch monitoring testing and analysis of a sample taken only from a specified batch of timber to infer the preservative- treated characteristics of the entire batch 1.4.3 continuous monitoring testing and analysis of one or more preservative‑treated wood‑based product characteristics, intended to ensure that the product has the required characteristics by using a specified sampling rate 1.4.4 cumulative sum CUSUM statistical procedure that is used to verify preservative-treated wood-based product requirements 1.4.5 may indicates the existence of an option 1.4.6 sample defined quantity of timber specimens selected from a batch 1.4.7 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 1.4.8 should indicates a recommendation 1.4.9 specimen single piece of preservative‑treated wood‑based product, from a sample, used for testing purposes 1.4.10 test comparison value TCV verified test comparison value minimum value for a test result to provide designated confidence that the characteristic from the preservative-treated wood-based product is above the requirement of AS/NZS 1604.1 not verified test comparison value maximum value for a test result to provide designated confidence that the characteristic from the preservative-treated wood-based product is below the requirement of AS/NZS 1604.1
2.1  General
Preservative-treated wood-based products shall be deemed “verified” where the preservative penetration, preservative retention, natural durability and marking requirements are all assessed according to the requirements of Clauses 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 and determined to be “verified”. If any one product characteristic is determined to be “not verified”, it is not necessary to continue further testing of other characteristics of the product. Retention testing shall be conducted on material that has met the penetration requirements. 2.2  Verification of preservative penetration and retention 2.2.1  Verification method selection Preservative penetration shall be verified using the method in Appendix A. Preservative retention shall be verified using one of the methods from Appendix A, B, C or D. NOTE 1  Worked examples showing the application of these appendices are provided in Appendix I. Other verification methods may be used, provided confidence in the batch verification result can be shown to equal or exceed that of the methods presented in this Standard. Where a verification method is used repeatedly, it shall be updated in response to feedback from the check on verification method requirements given in Clause 2.3. Where a significant change to a treatment process occurs, the verification process shall be reviewed and updated. In the event of any dispute concerning verification, the verification method given in Appendix A shall be considered as the reference method for both penetration and retention. NOTE 2  Multiple retention verification methods are provided as the needs of the verifying party may vary. Some parties may prefer batch monitoring while others may prefer continuous monitoring. The nature of test results from AS/NZS 1604.3 may also govern verification method selection as quantitative and qualitative (categorical or binary type results) test data may apply.

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