
AS NZS 1891.1 pdf download

AS  NZS 1891.1 pdf download

AS NZS 1891.1 pdf download.Personal equipment for work at height
3.1 Common requirements
3.1.1 Fitment and adjustment The harness shall be capable of adjustment to fit the wearer. The fitting and adjusting of the harness to the wearer shall be by means of adjusters. Adjusters shall not be located in such a position that any one adjuster could sustain the full load of a . fall-arrest unless it has been designed and tested as attachment hardware. NOTE The design should be such that, when correctly fitted, there is no undue pressure on any sensitive part of the body during a fall-arrest or when a person is suspended after a fall. 3.1.2 Attachment points Where two or more attachment points are present at any one of the designated positions on the harness they shall not impede the function of each other. Pole strap attachment points, where fitted, shall be placed on each side of a harness in the general area of the waist. . Attachment points made by web loops designed to be used in isolation shall be capable of taking the full load for the criteria specified for that location on the harness (see Table 1.1). Attachment points made by web loops where two or more loops are designed to be brought together shall, when brought together as designed, be capable of taking the full load for the criteria specified for that location on the harness (see Table 1.1). Attachment hardware shall be secured to the harness so that the assembly is capable of taking the full load for the criteria specified for that location on the harness (see Table 1.1). 3.1.3 Adjusters When included, adjusters shall be used in harness design and construction in a manner that results in the following: a) Where separable they shall only be capable of being fastened in a manner which enables them to withstand their design load requirement. (b) They are connected to the harness so that they withstand the loads transmitted as a result of the appropriate harness assembly test. 3.1.4 Integral lanyard assembly or pole strap Where a permanently attached lanyard assembly or pole strap is provided as an integral part of a harness the lanyard assembly or pole strap shall conform to AS 1891.5.
3.2 Full body harness
The full body harness shall comprise a single assembly enclosing shoulders, thighs and torso, which may include a combination of webbing, attachment points, adjusters or other components capable of adjustment to fit the wearer. The components shall be arranged and assembled to support the whole body of a person, manage the load applied to the body and prevent the wearer falling out of the harness during and after a fall-arrest. Typical full body harnesses are shown in Figure 3.1.
3.3 Lower body harness
The lower body harness shall comprise a single assembly enclosing thighs and waist, which may include a combination of webbing, attachment points, adjusters or other components capable of adjustment to fit the wearer. The components shall be arranged and assembled to support the lower body of a person, manage the load applied to the body and prevent the wearer falling out of the harness during and after a fall-arrest. Typical lower body harnesses are shown in Figure 3.2.
3.4 Combination harness
The combination harness shall comprise a lower body harness that is connected to a removable upper body assembly. The upper body assembly shall not be designed or constructed to enable it to be used on its own as a harness. The upper body assembly shall comprise a single assembly which, when connected to a lower body harness, encloses the shoulders, thighs and torso which may include a combination of webbing, attachment points, adjusters or other components capable of adjustment to fit the wearer. The components shall be arranged and assembled to support the whole body of a person, manage the load applied to the body and prevent the wearer falling out of the harness during and after a fall-arrest.

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