
AS NZS 2007.1 pdf download

AS NZS 2007.1 pdf download

AS NZS 2007.1 pdf download.Performance of household electrical appliances — Dishwashers
1.4.2 competent person(s) person who has acquired through training, qualifications or experience, or a combination of these, the knowledge and skills enabling that person to perform a specified task 1.4.3 cycle series of operations and other activities that occur within the cycle time 1.4.4 cycle time duration of time measured from the initiation of the program (excluding any user-programmed delay) until all activity ceases Note 1 to entry: Activity is considered to have ceased when the power consumption reverts to a steady-state condition that persists indefinitely without user intervention. If there is no activity after the end of the program, the cycle time is equal to the program time. Note 2 to entry: Cycle time includes any activity that may occur after the program is completed until a steady- state condition is reached. This could include fans, any electronic activity or any additional mechanical activity that occurs for a limited period after any end of program indicator. Any cyclic event that occurs indefinitely is considered to be steady-state, see Appendix M for examples. 1.4.5 delay start mode mode where the model has a user option used to delay commencement of the program Note 1 to entry: See also Clause D.5. 1.4.6 dishwasher(s) machine which cleans, rinses and dries dishware, glassware, cutlery, and, in some cases, cooking utensils by chemical, mechanical, thermal and/or electric means, which may or may not have a specific drying operation at the end of the program 1.4.7 end of cycle mode state that the appliance enters at the end of the cycle, during which appliance power is in a steady-state condition that persists indefinitely Note 1 to entry: End of cycle mode is applicable to all products, see also Clause D.4. Note 2 to entry: In some products this mode may be an equivalent power to off mode, while in other products end of cycle mode will persist until off mode is initiated by the user via a power switch.1.4.8 energy rating label label that provides consumers with information concerning the energy consumption and energy efficiency of household dishwashers Note 1 to entry: The energy rating label displays the product’s CEC, star rating, rated load capacity and the program nominated for energy efficiency testing. 1.4.9 laboratory facility that tests products for conformance to the requirements of this document 1.4.10 manufacturer’s instructions information that is provided with the product in the form of a user manual, instruction sheet, information affixed to the product itself or information that is available on a public website Note 1 to entry: Manufacturer’s instructions do not include any special directions provided by the product supplier to the test laboratory especially for testing purposes. 1.4.11 may indicates the existence of an option 1.4.12 off mode mode present on appliances that have a power or off switch that is operated via controls intended to be normally accessible to the user, and activated where the appliance remains connected to the mains electricity supply and where the power or off switch is activated to put the appliance into a state where it is not in use and no short duration operations are in progress Note 1 to entry: Off mode is a state that persists until the user activates the product via the power or on switch, see also Clause D.6. Note 2 to entry: In some products, some short-term duration operations may be present for a period after off mode is initiated. An off or power switch may be present as a separate user operated control or may be integrated into another device operated by the user such as a door.1.4.16 program time duration of time measured from the initiation of the program (excluding any user programmed delay) until the end of program Note 1 to entry: If the end of program is not indicated, the program time is equal to the cycle time.

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