
AS NZS 2007.2 pdf download

AS NZS 2007.2 pdf download

AS NZS 2007.2 pdf download.Performance of household electrical appliances — Dishwashers
1.1  Scope
This Standard specifies the energy efficiency labelling requirements for electric household dishwashers that are within the scope of the relevant legislation. In particular, this Standard specifies the following: (a) Program for energy efficiency labelling and water efficiency labelling. (b) Water connection mode. (c) Comparative energy consumption (CEC). (d) Star rating for energy efficiency labelling. (e) Energy rating label requirements. (f) Performance criteria. (g) Content, format and affixing requirements for dishwasher energy rating labels. (h) Test report content, example for the application for registration for energy efficiency labelling and water efficiency labelling. (i) Details concerning appliance registration with the relevant regulator.
1.2  Application
This Standard shall be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 2007.1.
1.3  Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document: NOTE  Documents referenced for informative purposes are listed in the Bibliography. AS 2706, Numerical values — Rounding and interpretation of limiting values AS/NZS 2007.1, Performance of household electrical appliances — Dishwashers, Part 1: Methods for measuring performance, energy and water consumption AS/NZS 60335.1, Household and similar electrical appliances — Safety, Part 1: General requirements (IEC 60335‑1 Ed 5, MOD)
1.4  Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions below apply. NOTE  The following defined terms are bolded in this Standard.1.4.8 multi-compartment dishwasher(s) dishwasher with more than one washing compartment, each of which — (a) would fall within the scope of this Standard if it were a single compartment machine; and (b) may differ in volume and washing method; and (c) may operate with the same or differing programs, either — (i) independently; or (ii) concurrently, either using fresh water in each compartment or re-using water from one compartment to another. 1.4.9 primary water connection mode mode used to determine the CEC, SRI and star rating for a dishwasher Note 1 to entry: The primary water connection mode is single, cold connection, except where the manufacturer’s instructions indicate only hot connection for the dishwasher. 1.4.10 program for energy efficiency labelling program, including all associated specific settings, nominated by the supplier as recommended to wash a normally soiled load at rated capacity and which meets the performance criteria specified in Section 3 Note 1 to entry: See also Clause 2.2.1. 1.4.11 projected annual energy consumption PAEC estimation of energy used by a model or single unit on the program for energy efficiency labelling during one year’s use, which assumes a particular number of uses in one year and includes the standby power for the remainder of the year Note 1 to entry: Units: kilowatt-hours/year (kWh/year). Note 2 to entry: See also Clause 2.3. 1.4.12 registration process of registering products regulated for energy efficiency in Australia and New Zealand under the relevant legislation with the relevant regulator and meeting a number of legal requirements before they can be supplied or offered for supply Note 1 to entry: For information on registration, see Appendix C.1.4.13 relevant legislation legislative requirements governing the supply of electric household dishwashers in Australia and New Zealand Note 1 to entry: For Australia, the relevant legislation is Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Dishwashers) Determination (GEMS Determination) and Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 (Cth) (GEMS Act), which can be accessed at www .legislation .gov .au. The GEMS Determination covers household dishwashers that are ordinarily supplied and used for household or similar use. The GEMS Determination covers household dishwashers irrespective of the context in which they are used. For example, the GEMS Determination applies to household dishwashers used in a commercial context. Note 2 to entry: For New Zealand, the relevant legislation is Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002 (New Zealand Regulations), which can be accessed at: www .legislation .govt .nz/ regulation/ public/ 2002/ 0009/ latest/ DLM108730 .html.

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