
AS NZS 2442.1 pdf download

AS NZS 2442.1 pdf download

AS NZS 2442.1 pdf download.Performance of household electrical appliances — Rotary clothes dryers
1.1 Scope
This Standard specifies test procedures and minimum performance criteria for determining the performance characteristics of electric household rotary clothes dryers that are within the scope of the relevant legislation. NOTE Examples of appliances covered by this Standard include vented dryers, condenser dryers and dryers that use a heat pump as a heat source and the drying function of combination washer/dryer units. In particular, this Standard specifies the following: a States and defines the principal performance characteristics of electric rotary clothes dryers, which are一 (i) moisture removal; ([i) energy (and water where applicable) consumption; (i]) the maximum temperature reached by clothes; and (iv) the ability to dry clothes to the test requirements in one setting. (b) Specifies methods of measuring these characteristics. [C) Sets levels of acceptable performance. 1.2 Application This Standard shall be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 2442.2. 1.4.1 bone-dry load items . items which have been dried according to the process in Clause E.2.5 1.4.2 check test test to determine whether an appliance complies with the relevant legislation, which is intended to verify claims about a model in relation to one or more of the following: Energy consumption一Indicated on the energy rating label. (b Water consumption – Indicated on the water rating label in accordance with AS/NZS 6400. [C] Product performance. 1.4.3 cool-down period period of time which begins when the团heating method囚switches off for the last time in the drying cycle and ends when tumbling of the clothes is terminated by automatic means at the end of the program (not applicable to manual dryers) 1.4.4 dryer(s) condenser dryer(s) heated air is passed through the load while it is being tumbled and the water vapour thus accumulated is separated from the air within the dryer, converted to a liquid, and either drained or stored for later removal vented dryer(s) heated air is passed through the load while it is being tumbled with this air and accumulated water vapour discharged from the dryer to the atmosphere 1.4.5 dryer control mechanism mechanism by which the dryer is controlled, which can be一 a manual, so the drying process has to be stopped manually by the user; or (b) timer, preset to complete at least one sequence of operations to be terminated after a set time as selected by the user; or [c) autosensing, preset to complete at least one sequence of operations to be terminated by the dryer using a system to determine, directly or indirectly, the moisture content of the load. Note 1 to entry An autosensing dryer may be fitted with a supplementary timer to allow additional control by the user, see Clause 2.2 for requirements. 1.4.6 energy rating label label that provides consumers with information concerning the energy consumption and energy efficiency of household rotary clothes dryers Note 1 to entry: The energy rating label displays the product’s CEC, star rating, rated load capacity and the program nominated for energy efficiency testing. Note 2 to entry: The base energy rating label shows 1 to 6 stars and the super efficiency energy rating label shows 7 to 10 stars, refer to AS/NZS 2442.2:2021 Section 5 for labelling requirements. 1.4.10 may indicates the existence of an option 1.4.11 program series of operations pre-defined within the rotary clothes dryer for drying certain types of loads to certain dryness levels 1.4.12 program time duration of time measured from the initiation of the program (excluding any user programmed delay) until the end of program Note 1 to entry: The end of the program is intended to be the earliest point where the consumer would normally be able to access the load, which at this time meets all performance requirements for the program. Note 2 to entry: In some dryers there may be a short delay from an end of program indicator until the load is accessible by the user. . 1.4.13 rated load capacity maximum mass of textile material, stated by the manufacturer for the applicable load material, in multiples of 0.5 kg, which the manufacturer claims can be treated in all operations by a rotary clothes dryer, in accordance with the requirements of this Standard Note 1 to entry: Under typical conditions of storage, cotton fabrics contain approximately 8 % moisture; therefore, the maximum mass includes an 8 % allowance for moisture above the bone-dry mass, i.e. the nominal bone-dry mass of a test load is equal to 92.6 % of rated capacity.

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