
AS NZS 4777.2 pdf download

AS NZS 4777.2 pdf download

AS NZS 4777.2 pdf download.Grid connection of energy systems via inverters
1.1  Scope
This Standard specifies device specifications, functionality, testing and compliance requirements for electrical safety and performance for inverters designed to facilitate connectivity between energy sources and/or energy storage systems and the grid, connected at low voltage. This includes electric vehicles that can operate as an energy source and energy storage system that can supply an electrical installation connected to the grid. This Standard also applies to stand-alone inverters within an electrical installation that may be connected to the grid at low voltage via an a.c. input port. General requirements relating to the test methods set out in Appendices B to L are specified in Appendix A. Appendix M specifies requirements for stand-alone inverters. NOTE  This Standard does not include the regulatory requirements mandated in Australia by the Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA) and in New Zealand by Radio Spectrum Management. Refer to ACMA, Electromagnetic Compatibility—Information for suppliers of electrical and electronic products in Australia and New Zealand, for guidance.
1.4  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions and those of AS/NZS 3000 apply. 1.4.1 active anti-islanding protection method of preventing islanding by actively varying the output of the inverter 1.4.2 cease power generation cease active power output and any power quality response while remaining connected to the grid during voltage disturbances Note 1 to entry: Passive reactive power flow may continue (e.g. due to inverter filter capacitors). 1.4.3 displacement power factor cosine of the angle (φ) between the fundamental voltage and the fundamental current 1.4.4 firmware software contained in a read-only memory device Note 1 to entry: Firmware, in normal usage, is not intended for modification, and requires the hardware device containing it to be replaced or re-programmed. [SOURCE: IEV 192-01-35] 1.4.5 fixed equipment equipment fastened to a support, or otherwise secured in a specific location [SOURCE: IEV 826-07-07] 1.4.6 grid portion of the electrical distribution system that is operated by an electrical distributor Note 1 to entry: An alternative term for “grid” is “electricity distribution network”. 1.4.7 grid-interactive inverter inverter or inverter function intended to operate in parallel to the grid for export or self-consumption of energy generated by the inverter energy system 1.4.8 grid test voltage voltage applied for testing of an inverter 1.4.9 inverter device that uses semiconductor devices to transfer power between a d.c. source or load and an a.c. source or load Note 1 to entry: Inverters include a.c. to a.c. convertors transferring power between non-grid energy sources and an a.c. source or load that use semiconductor devices. 1.4.10 inverter energy system system comprising of one or more inverters together with one or more energy sources (which may include batteries for energy storage), and controls, which satisfies the requirements of this Standard 1.4.11 islanding any situation where the electrical supply from a grid is disrupted or fails and one or more inverters maintains any form of electrical supply, be it stable or not, to any section of that grid or within the electrical installation Note 1 to entry: Prevention of the injection of energy and prevention of an unintentional island with the grid or part thereof when supply is disrupted is key to maintaining safety on the grid and within the electrical installation. 1.4.12 may indicates the existence of an option 1.4.13 multiple mode inverter inverter that operates in more than one mode, for example having grid-interactive functionality when grid voltage is present and in stand-alone mode when the grid is de-energized or disconnected Note 1 to entry: Inverters with energy storage ports are also deemed to be multiple mode inverters as they have charge and discharge modes. Note 2 to entry: Vehicle to grid capable electric vehicle supply equipment is a type of multiple mode inverter. [SOURCE: IEC 62109-2:2014, 3.107, modified and notes added.] 1.4.14 passive anti-islanding protection method of preventing islanding based on monitoring the grid 1.4.15 permanently connected electrically connected by means which can be detached only by the use of a tool [SOURCE: IEC 62109-1:2014, 3.53.] 1.4.16 pluggable equipment type A equipment which is intended for connection to the building installation wiring via a non-industrial plug and socket-outlet or a non-industrial appliance coupler, or both [SOURCE: IEC 62109-1:2014, 3.57]

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