
AS NZS 5901 pdf download

AS NZS 5901 pdf download

AS NZS 5901 pdf download.Information and documentation — International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)
1  Scope
This document specifies the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) for the unique identification of recordings. The ISRC is applicable to the identification of audio recordings and music video recordings whether they are in analogue or digital form. The ISRC is not applicable to the numbering of audio or audiovisual products or carriers. Neither is it applicable to the numbering of packages of audio recordings or music video recordings with other media items. The ISRC is applicable to music video recordings even if they have been assigned an International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) in accordance with ISO 15706 (all parts), or a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in accordance with ISO 26324, but it is not applicable to other forms of audiovisual recording.
3  Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp — IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/ 3.1 audio recording fixation of sounds 3.2 music video recording fixation of sounds synchronized with pictures or moving pictures where (a) the fixed sounds are wholly or substantially a musical performance or (b) the recording (3.3) is intended for viewing in association with a recording of a musical performance Note 1 to entry: This definition includes music videos and concert recordings, together with music-related interviews and documentaries, but does not extend to general audiovisual material, even if it includes music. 3.3 recording audio recording (3.1) or music video recording (3.2) Note 1 to entry: A recording can be composed of parts that are themselves recordings (see A.1.9). Note 2 to entry: A recording is distinct from the carrier in which it is embodied for release, even if no other recordings are included.3.4 registrant entity wishing to assign an ISRC to an applicable recording (3.3) 3.5 digit decimal numeral from the range 0 to 9, as represented by decimal codes 48 to 57 of ISO/IEC 8859-1 Note 1 to entry: There is no requirement to use this encoding of these digits when an ISRC is stored or transmitted. 3.6 legacy country code code consisting of two letters (3.8) notified to a registrant (3.4) under previous editions of this document 3.7 legacy registrant code code consisting of three alphanumeric characters (3.9) allocated to a registrant (3.4) under previous editions of this document 3.8 letter upper case character of the Roman alphabet from the range A to Z, as represented by decimal codes 65 to 90 of ISO/IEC 8859-1 Note 1 to entry: There is no requirement to use this encoding of these letters when an ISRC is stored or transmitted. 3.9 alphanumeric character digit (3.5) or letter (3.8)
4  Structure and format of the ISRC
4.1  General An ISRC consists of 12 alphanumeric characters. It is divided into three elements in the following order: a) prefix code (see 4.2); b) year of reference element (see 4.3); c) designation code (see 4.4). 4.2  Prefix code The prefix code element shall comprise two letters followed by three alphanumeric characters. EXAMPLE AA6Q7. NOTE  In previous editions of this document, this element was divided into two elements: two letters representing the country of assignment and three alphanumeric characters allocated to the registrant. The prefix code element follows this syntax for compatibility but is now allocated in accordance with the procedures in Clause 5.4.3  Year of reference element 4.3.1  Year of reference — Normal The year of reference element identifies the year in which the ISRC is assigned to the recording (see A.1). The year of reference element shall consist of two digits representing the last two digits of the year in which the ISRC is assigned. EXAMPLES Year = 1998: Year of reference element = 98; Year = 2015: Year of reference element = 15. 4.3.2  Year of reference — Other The ISRC Registration Authority may authorize and publish other schemes for the specification of the year of reference element. It shall ensure that these schemes provide for the unique assignment of ISRCs to recordings. 4.4  Designation code The designation code shall consist of five digits. The code shall be left-packed with zero digits.

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