
AS NZS 62676.4 pdf download

AS NZS 62676.4 pdf download

AS NZS 62676.4 pdf download.Video surveillance systems for use in security applications
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62676 gives recommendations and requirements for the selection, planning, installation, commissioning, maintaining and testing video surveillance systems (VSS) comprising of image capture device(s), interconnection(s) and image handling device(s), for use in security applications. The objectives of this part of IEC 62676 are to: a) provide a framework to assist customers, installers and users in establishing their requirements, b) assist specifiers and users in determining the appropriate equipment required for a given application, c) provide means of evaluating objectively the performance of the VSS.
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1.1 camera housing enclosure to provide physical and/or environmental protection of the camera, lens and ancillary equipment 3.1.2 camera sensitivity image capturing device capability to produce an image in certain light conditions 3.1.3 VSS surveillance installation installation consisting of the hardware and software components of a VSS, fully installed and operational for monitoring a defined security zone 3.1.4 VSS camera unit containing an imaging device producing a video signal from an optical image 3.1.5 VSS camera equipment unit containing a VSS camera plus appropriate lens and necessary ancillary equipment 3.1 .6 VSS control unit equipment for controlling and monitoring the required operational functions of the VSS 3.1 .7 VSS technician qualified person who is trained and competent in the installation, maintenance, servicing and fault-finding of VSSs 3.1.8 VSS system consisting of camera equipment, monitoring and associated equipment for transmission and controlling purposes, which may be necessary for the surveillance of a protected area 3.1.9 corrective maintenance emergency servicing of a system, or part thereof, carried out in response to the development of a fault 3.1.1 0 corrective maintenance report document that details the requirement for normal or emergency corrective maintenance and indicates the corrective action taken, as required by IEC 62676-4 or other applicable technical standards Note 1 to entry: The report may be an electronic document.3.1.1 1 company organization providing design, installation or maintenance of the VSS system 3.1.1 2 detect defined functional purpose of a camera to enable the operator to reliably and easily determine whether or not any target, such as a person, is present. 3.1.1 3 electronic iris automatic electronic shutter which changes the camera sensitivity in relation to the varying light conditions in order to maintain the video output signal within defined limits 3.1.1 4 electronic shutter arrangement in the camera changing its sensitivity by electronically controlling its exposure time 3.1 .1 5 event recording event controlled recording or storing of image signals for a pre-determined time Note 1 to entry: refers to video recording not to system log of events. 3.1.1 6 external synchronisation method of feeding reference timing signals to all connected devices to ensure that their video output signals are synchronous 3.1.1 7 focal length f measurement of the converging power of a lens, normally expressed in mm, which can be used to determine the angle of view for a given sensor size 3.1.1 8 geo data digital information assigning a certain spatial location to the earth’s surface 3.1.1 9 identify defined functional purpose of a camera to enable identifyfication of an individual beyond reasonable doubt 3.1.20 inspect defined functional purpose of a camera to enable the operator to obtain information from objects Note 1 to entry: An example object may include text or a logo on clothing. 3.1.21 imaging device device that converts an optical image into an electrical signal 3.1.22 imaging device illumination level of illumination (luminance) at the photosensitive surface of the imaging device3.1.23 iris variable aperture mechanism which regulates the amount of light passing through the lens onto the imaging device of the VSS camera 3.1.24 Kell factor subjective number of lines of resolution that can be visually perceived in a video display system, expressed as a percentage of the total number of lines of resolution 3.1.25 lens optical device for projecting an image of a desired scene onto the photo sensitive surface of the imaging device 3.1.26 monitor defined functional purpose of a camera to enable viewing of the number, direction and speed of movement of people across a wide area, providing their presence is known to the operator

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