AS ISO 13007.1 pdf download

AS ISO 13007.1 pdf download

AS ISO 13007.1 pdf download,Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives 1  Scope This part of ISO 13007 applies to ceramic tile adhesives for internal and external tile installations on walls and floors. This part of ISO 13007 gives the terminology, concerning the products, working methods, application properties, etc., for ceramic tile adhesives This part of ISO 13007 specifies the values...

AS ISO 10545.3 pdf download

AS ISO 10545.3 pdf download

AS ISO 10545.3 pdf download.Ceramic tiles 1  Scope This document specifies a method for determining water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density of ceramic tiles. This method is applicable to classification of tiles and product specifications. 2  Normative references There are no normative references in this document. 3  Terms and definitions No terms and definitions are listed...

AS ISO 9934.3 pdf download

AS ISO 9934.3 pdf download

AS ISO 9934.3 pdf download.Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing 1  Scope This part of ISO 9934 describes three types of equipment for magnetic particle testing: — portable or transportable equipment; — fixed installations; — specialized testing systems for testing components on a continuous basis, comprising a series of processing stations placed in sequence to form a process line. Equipment...

AS ISO 6682 pdf download

AS ISO 6682 pdf download

AS ISO 6682 pdf download.Earth-moving machinery — Zones of comfort and reach for controls 1  Scope This International Standard defines zones of comfort and reach for controls derived from the overlapping reach capability of large and small operators in the seated position. 2  Field of application This document is intended as a guide for the design of the operator compartment...

AS ISO 9533 pdf download

AS ISO 9533 pdf download

AS ISO 9533 pdf download.Earth-moving machinery — Machine-mounted audible travel alarms and forward horns — Test methods and performance criteria 1  Scope This International Standard specifies a static method for determining the sound output performance and alarm activation requirements of audible travel alarms and forward horns mounted on earth- moving machinery, as defined in ISO 6165, for operation on work...

AS ISO 9934.2 pdf download

AS ISO 9934.2 pdf download

AS ISO 9934.2 pdf download.Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing 1 Scope This part of ISO 9934 specifies the significant properties of magnetic particle testing products (including magnetic ink, powder, carrier liquid, contrast aid paints) and the methods for checking their properties. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and...

AS ISO 13007.5 pdf download

AS ISO 13007.5 pdf download

AS ISO 13007.5 pdf download.Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives 1  Scope This part of ISO 13007 gives terminology concerning the products, and specifies test methods (see Annex A) and values of performance requirements, for liquid-applied waterproofing products associated with tile adhesives. It specifies the evaluation of conformity and the classification and designation of liquid-applied waterproofing products beneath ceramic tiling....

AS ISO 10667.1 pdf download

AS ISO 10667.1 pdf download

AS ISO 10667.1 pdf download.Assessment service delivery — Procedures and methods to assess people in work and organizational settings 1  Scope This part of ISO 10667 establishes requirements and guidance for the client working with the service provider to carry out the assessment of an individual, a group, or an organization for work-related purposes. This part of ISO 10667 enables...

AS ISO 14971 pdf download

AS ISO 14971 pdf download

AS ISO 14971 pdf download.Medical devices — Application of risk management to medical devices 1  Scope This document specifies terminology, principles and a process for risk management of medical devices, including software as a medical device and in vitro diagnostic medical devices. The process described in this document intends to assist manufacturers of medical devices to identify the hazards associated...

AS ISO 13006 pdf download

AS ISO 13006 pdf download

AS ISO 13006 pdf download.Ceramic tiles — Defnitions, classifcation, characteristics and marking (ISO 13006:2018 (ED.3.0) MOD) 1  Scope This document defines terms and establishes classifications, characteristics and marking requirements for ceramic tiles of the best commercial quality (first quality). This document is not applicable to tiles made by other than normal processes of extrusion or dry pressing. It is not...