AS 2341.12 pdf download

AS 2341.12 pdf download

AS 2341.12 pdf download,Methods of testing bitumen and related roadmaking products 1  Scope The objective of this Test Method is to specify the procedures for the determination of the penetration of bitumen and related roadmaking products. It is applicable to bituminous materials with penetrations less than or equal to 200 (0.1 mm). 2  Application ASTM D5/D5M-19 is the 2019 edition....

AS 2341.3 pdf download

AS 2341.3 pdf download

AS 2341.3 pdf download.Methods of testing bitumen and related roadmaking products 1  Scope The objective of this Test Method is to specify procedures for the determination of kinematic viscosity of bituminous materials having kinematic viscosities in the range 6 mm 2 /s to 100 000 mm 2 /s (approximate dynamic viscosities 0.006 Pa.s to 100 Pa.s) using four different types...

AS 1012.25.1 pdf download

AS 1012.25.1 pdf download

AS 1012.25.1 pdf download.Methods of testing concrete 4  Apparatus and materials 4.1  Measure 4.1.1  General The measure shall be made of metal not less than 3 mm thick, be watertight and be sufficiently rigid to maintain its shape with rough usage. The inside surface shall be smooth and free from corrosion. The rim of the measure shall be machined to...

AS 1571 pdf download

AS 1571 pdf download

AS 1571 pdf download.Copper — Seamless tubes for air- conditioning and refrigeration 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. . 3.1 coil annealed copper tube supplied in a coiled form EXAMPLE Pancake coil, wound pack, or pair coil. 3.2 may indicates the existence of an option 3.3 mean outside diameter half...

AS 1301.457 pdf download

AS 1301.457 pdf download

AS 1301.457 pdf download.Methods of test for pulp and paper 3  Terms and definitions For the purpose of this Standard the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 lot aggregate of paper or board or pulp of a single kind with specified characteristics produced under conditions that are presumed uniform, and available for sampling at one time 3.2 may indicates the...

AS 1892.5 pdf download

AS 1892.5 pdf download

AS 1892.5 pdf download.Portable ladders 1.1  Scope This Standard sets out the minimum requirements and recommended safe practices for the selection, use and maintenance of portable ladders. The requirements of this Standard need not apply where safe work procedures that are equivalent or superior to this Standard are in place. 1.2 Application General recommendations common to the selection, use and...

AS 1289.6.2.2 pdf download

AS 1289.6.2.2 pdf download

AS 1289.6.2.2 pdf download.Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes 4  Principle A predetermined normal stress is applied under one-dimensional conditions, allowing sufficient time for any consolidation or creep to occur and then shearing the soil by displacing one half of a shear box relative to the other. Interpretation of the shearing stage of the test assumes that the soil...

AS 2291 pdf download

AS 2291 pdf download

AS 2291 pdf download.Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Method of test at elevated temperature 3  Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 6892-1 apply with the following exceptions and supplements. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at http://...

AS 1742.4 pdf download

AS 1742.4 pdf download

AS 1742.4 pdf download.Manual of uniform traffic control devices 1.1  Scope This Standard specifies the traffic control devices to be used for the regulatory control of traffic speed. The Standard does not cover temporary speed limits or the use of advisory speed signs. NOTE  Speed matters excluded from this Standard are covered in the following references: (a) Temporary speed limits...

AS 1289.3.6.3 pdf download

AS 1289.3.6.3 pdf download

AS 1289.3.6.3 pdf download.Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes 1  Scope This Standard sets out a method for the quantitative determination of the particle size distribution in a soil from a coarse sand size down, using an hydrometer for particles finer than the 75 μm sieve (see Clause 9 Note 1). The method as described is applicable if —...