IEC 62023 pdf download

IEC 62023 pdf download

IEC 62023 pdf download.Structuring of technical information and documentation 1 Scope This International Standard provides rules for the structuring of technical information and documentation, based on the use of a main document (leading document) for the keeping together of information for each object. NOTE For the definition of a main document, see 3.3.1. 2 Normative references The following normative documents...

IEC 60470 pdf download

IEC 60470 pdf download

IEC 60470 pdf download.High-voltage alternating current contactors and contactor-based motor-starters 1 General 1 .1 Scope and object This International Standard is applicable to a.c. contactors and/or contactor-based motor- starters designed for indoor installation and operation at frequencies up to and including 60 Hz on systems having voltages above 1 000 V but not exceeding 1 2 000 V. It is...

IEC 61713 pdf download

IEC 61713 pdf download

IEC 61713 pdf download.Software dependability through the software life-cycle processes – Application guide 1 Scope This International Standard provides guidance on those aspects of software life-cycle activities that have a bearing on the achievement of dependable software. The software life- cycle activities are defined in the context of software life-cycle processes. This guide is intended to be used to support...

IEC 62106 pdf download

IEC 62106 pdf download

IEC 62106 pdf download.Specification of the radio data system (RDS) for VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the frequency range from 87,5 to 108,0 MHz 1 Modulation characteristics of the data channel (physical layer) The Radio Data System is intended for application to VHF/FM sound broadcasting transmitters in the range 87.5 to 108.0 MHz, which carry stereophonic (pilot-tone system) or monophonic sound...

IEC 60254-2 pdf download

IEC 60254-2 pdf download

IEC 60254-2 pdf download.Lead-acid traction batteries 1 General 1 .1 Scope and object This part of IEC 60254 is applicable to lead-acid traction batteries used as power sources for electric propulsion. The object of the present standard is to specify – the maximum external (overall) dimensions of traction battery cells, that is, the width, the height and the length; –...

IEC 60139 pdf download

IEC 60139 pdf download

IEC 60139 pdf download.Preparation of outline drawings for cathode-ray tubes, their components, connections and gauges 1 Scope This International Standard gives guidance on the preparation of outline drawings of cathode- ray tubes (CRTs), tube components, tube sub-assemblies and ancillary components with the object of encouraging the same practice when publications are prepared in different countries. These recommendations are contained in...

IEC 61996 pdf download

IEC 61996 pdf download

IEC 61996 pdf download.Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the minimum performance requirements, technical characteristics and methods of testing, and required test results, for shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) installations as required by chapter V of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), as amended. It takes account of IMO...

IEC 61991 pdf download

IEC 61991 pdf download

IEC 61991 pdf download.Railway applications – Rolling stock – Protective provisions against electrical hazards 1 Scope IEC 61 991 offers a set of rules that are applied in the design and manufacture of electrical installations and equipment to be used on rolling stock so as to protect the persons from electric shocks. The methods used to satisfy the rules may...

IEC 62118 pdf download

IEC 62118 pdf download

IEC 62118 pdf download.Nuclear reactor instrumentation – Pressurized water reactor (PWR) of VVER design – Monitoring adequate cooling within the core during shutdown 1 Scope and object This International Standard applies to pressurized water reactors (PWRs) of VVER design with configurations similar to those shown in figures 1 and 2, and presents the requirements for monitoring adequate cooling within the...

IEC 62083 pdf download

IEC 62083 pdf download

IEC 62083 pdf download.Medical electrical equipment – Requirements for the safety of radiotherapy treatment planning systems 1 Scope and object This International Standard applies to the design, manufacture and some installation aspects of an RTPS – for use in RADIOTHERAPY TREATMENT PLANNING in human medical practice; – that imports data either through input by the OPERATOR or direct from other...