AS 2303 pdf download

AS 2303 pdf download

AS 2303 pdf download.Tree stock for landscape use 1.1  Scope This Standard specifies the criteria for the assessment of above-ground and below-ground characteristics of tree stock that are to be supplied for landscape use. It covers container-grown, containerized, bare-rooted and ex-ground tree stock, and can be applied to all stages of growth. The specifications and criteria in this Standard apply...

AS 1603.3 pdf download

AS 1603.3 pdf download

AS 1603.3 pdf download.Automatic fire detection and alarm systems 3 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions below apply. 3.1 Alarm condition Audible and visual signal. 3.2 Alarm-silence facility Means of temporarily disabling or desensitizing a heat alarm. 3.3 Battery-low condition Combination of battery voltage and series resistance, which results in a fault warning. 3.4 Fault condition The...

AS 1530.8.1 pdf download

AS 1530.8.1 pdf download

AS 1530.8.1 pdf download.Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures 1 SCOPE This Standard provides methods for determining the performance of external construction elements when exposed to radiant heat, burning embers and burning debris. NOTES: 1 The methods do not simulate engulfment by flames from the fire front or large burning items such as other burning buildings...

AS 1428.4.2 pdf download

AS 1428.4.2 pdf download

AS 1428.4.2 pdf download.Design for access and mobility 1.1  Scope This Standard specifies the minimum requirements for tactile signs to enable adult pedestrians, particularly those who are blind or have low vision, to locate and enter buildings and/or sites in an independent manner. Additionally, this Standard specifies the minimum design requirements for tactile signs provided for the purpose of identifying...

AS 1603.11 pdf download

AS 1603.11 pdf download

AS 1603.11 pdf download.Automatic fre detection and alarm systems 2.3 Luminance requirements for LED matrix, fixed message type VWD 2.3.1 Mean luminance The mean luminance for LED matrix VWD shall be not less than 180 cd/m2. 2.3.2 Uniformity The ratio of maximum luminance to minimum luminance across the VWD shall be not less than 100:1 for character to background contrast....

AS 1742.9 pdf download

AS 1742.9 pdf download

AS 1742.9 pdf download.Manual of uniform traffic control devices 1.1 SCOPE This Standard specifies requirements for the signs, pavement markings and other devices to be applied to bicycle facilities both on the road and on paths separate from the road, either for the exclusive use of bicycles or joint use with other users. The Standard includes recommendations for guide signs...

AS 1055 pdf download

AS 1055 pdf download

AS 1055 pdf download.Acoustics—Description and measurement of environmental noise 1 SCOPE This Standard sets out general procedures for the description and measurement of environmental noise, including repetitive impulsive noise. It defines the basic quantities to be used for the description of noise in community environments and provides basic procedures for the determination of these quantities. The Standard applies primarily to...

AS 1657 pdf download

AS 1657 pdf download

AS 1657 pdf download.Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders一Design, construction and installation 1.1 SCOPE This Standard sets out requirements for the design, selection, construction and installation of fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders that are intended to provide safe access to places used by operating, inspection, maintenance and servicing personnel. This Standard also applies to the following: (a) Movable platforms...

AS 1892.1 pdf download

AS 1892.1 pdf download

AS 1892.1 pdf download.Portable ladders 1.5 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply (see also Figure 1.1). 1.5.1 Articulation A hinge that is capable of being locked in one or more positions. 1.5.2 Brace A rigid member (typically diagonal) used to enhance stiffness and strength, for example, at a tread to stile connection.1.5.3 Composite A homogeneous...

AS 1519 pdf download

AS 1519 pdf download

AS 1519 pdf download.Information and documentation- International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 1 Scope This document establishes the specifications for the International Standard Book Number [ISBN) as a unique international identification system for each product form or edition of a separately available monographic publication published or produced by a specific publisher that is available to the public. It specifies the construction...