API MPMS 19.1A pdf download

API MPMS 19.1A pdf download

API MPMS 19.1A pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 19—Evaporative Loss Measurement When a product is stored in a tank having a higher pressure setting than required by Fig. 5, the working loss may be estimated for this condition by use of values obtained from Fig. 5 and Fig. 8. By deducting the pressure required, as determined from Fig....

API IP RP 1597 pdf download

API IP RP 1597 pdf download

API IP RP 1597 pdf download.PROCEDURES FOR OVERWING FUELLING TO ENSURE DELIVERY OF THE CORRECT FUEL GRADE TO AN AIRCRAFT There are many documented cases of misfuelling and a variety of causes have been identified. In the majority of these incidents there was a lack of grade confirmation, meaning that the fuelling staff did not confirm with the customer the...

API Bull 24 pdf download

API Bull 24 pdf download

API Bull 24 pdf download.Downward Solute Plume Migration: Assessment, Significance, and Implications for Characterization and Monitoring of “Diving Plumes” Risk-based decision-making can provide a framework for gauging the effort level required in a site investigation. Generally, the effort level for site characterization should be commensurate with the potential threat level to a receptor. At sites with a high level of...

API RP 95F pdf download

API RP 95F pdf download

API RP 95F pdf download.Interim Guidance for Gulf of Mexico MODU Mooring Practice— 2006 Hurricane Season 1 Scope This document provides guidance and processes and, when combined with an understanding of the environment at a particular location, the characteristics of the unit being utilized, and other factors, may be used to enhance operational integrity in the sur- vival condition. This...

API Publ 4758 pdf download

API Publ 4758 pdf download

API Publ 4758 pdf download.Strategies for Addressing Salt Impacts of Produced Water Releases to Plants, Soil, and Groundwater The exploration and production (E&P) industry uses great care during the handling and disposal of the produced water that is generated as part of oil and gas production. However, unintentional releases can occur. Depending on the chemical composition of the produced water...

API Publ 4736 pdf download

API Publ 4736 pdf download

API Publ 4736 pdf download.Identification of Key Assumptions and Models for the Development of Total Maximum Daily Loads The objective of this study was to review federal, state, and regional TMDL methodologies and guidance to identify key assumptions, variables, and input data required to develop waste load allocations (WLA) for point sources and load allocations (LA) for non-point sources that,...

API Bull E2 pdf download

API Bull E2 pdf download

API Bull E2 pdf download.Bulletin on Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Oil and Gas Production 1.3 NORM IN OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION NORM represents a wide range of materials that are radioactive in their natural state. These materials include carbon 14 and potassium 40, both of which are present in the human body. The radioactive elements of...

API 510 pdf download

API 510 pdf download

API 510 pdf download.Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration 1.1.1 Coverage This inspection code covers the in-service inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating activities for pressure vessels and the pres- sure-relieving devices protecting these vessels. This inspection code applies to all refining and chemical process vessels that have been placed in service unless specifically excluded per 1.2.2....

API MPMS 14.1 pdf download

API MPMS 14.1 pdf download

API MPMS 14.1 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 14—Natural Gas Fluids Measurement 4 Definitions 4.1 absorption: Occurs when natural gas constituents are dissolved into a liquid or solid that is not considered to be the mix- ture’s liquid phase. 4.2 adsorption: Occurs when a thin film of molecules adheres to a liquid or solid surface. 4.3 chilled mirror...

API RP 59 pdf download

API RP 59 pdf download

API RP 59 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Well Control Operations 1 Scope 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of these recommended practices is to provide information that can serve as a voluntary industry guide for safe well control operations. This publication is designed to serve as a direct field aid in well control and as a technical source for teaching well control...