API SPEC 13A pdf download

API SPEC 13A pdf download

API SPEC 13A pdf download.Petroleum and natural gas industries一Drilling fluid materials – Specifications and tests 4 Requirements 4.1 Quality control instructions All quality control work shall be controlled by manufacturer’s documented instructions, which include appropriate methodology and quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria. 4.2 Use of test calibration materials in checking testing procedures 4.2.1 Test Calibration Barite and Test Calibration Bentonite...

API Publ 4740 pdf download

API Publ 4740 pdf download

API Publ 4740 pdf download.A Decsion-maker’s Guide to In- situ Burning Burning the oil in-situ allows for the rapid removal of liquid oil, that has been collected and contained, from the ground and water surface. An ISB converts the liquid oil into its primary gaseous combustion products- water and carbon dioxide, plus a smaller percentage of other unburned or residual...

API RP 13D pdf download

API RP 13D pdf download

API RP 13D pdf download.API Recommended Practice 13D — Rheology and hydraulics of oil- well drilling fluids 1 Scope 1.1 The objective of this Recommended Practice (RP) is to provide a basic understanding of and guidance about drilling fluid rheology and hydraulics, and their application to drilling operations. 1.2 The target audience for this RP covers both the office and...

API 1104 pdf download

API 1104 pdf download

API 1104 pdf download.Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities 1.1 SCOPE This standard covers the gas and arc welding of butt, fillet, and socket welds in carbon and low-alloy steel piping used in the compression, pumping, and transmission of crude petro- leum, petroleum products, fuel gases, carbon dioxide, nitro- gen and, where applicable, covers welding on distribution systems. It applies...

API MPMS 4.9.2 pdf download

API MPMS 4.9.2 pdf download

API MPMS 4.9.2 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 4—Proving Systems 5.0 Prover Cleaning And Preparation 5.1 ISOLATION OF THE PROVER The prover and its auxiliary piping shall be isolated from all operating systems by either physical isolation with blinds, blind flanges, blanks, spectacles or double block and bleed valves to separate it from the upstream and downstream operating...

API MPMS 10.8 pdf download

API MPMS 10.8 pdf download

API MPMS 10.8 pdf download,Standard Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oil by Membrane Filtration 5. Apparatus 5.1 Funnel and Filter Support Assembly—Use an assembly designed to hold 47-mm diameter filters as was used in the development of this test method (see Fig. 1). 5 5.1.1 Filter Funnel—Use a filter funnel with a 250 mL minimum capacity. The lower part...

API MPMS 5.2 pdf download

API MPMS 5.2 pdf download

API MPMS 5.2 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards 5.2.1 Introduction API MPMS Chapter 5.2, together with the general consid- erations for measurement by meters found in API MPMS Chapter 5.1, describes methods for obtaining accurate quan- tity measurement with displacement meters in liquid hydro- carbon service. A displacement meter is a volume measuring device which separates a flowing liquid...

API HUMAN FACTORS pdf download

API HUMAN FACTORS pdf download

API HUMAN FACTORS pdf download.Human Factors in New Facility Design Tool The Tool is best applied during the early design phases of projects where early hazard identification and risk assessments are utilized in the overall risk management support of the project. Depending on a specific company’s project management system, this could include the planning phase, the equipment design phase, and...

API 607 pdf download

API 607 pdf download

API 607 pdf download.Testing of valves — Fire type-testing requirements 5.3 Apparatus 5.3.1 General The test equipment shall not subject the valve to externally applied stress affecting the results of the test. Schematic diagrams of recommended systems for fire type-testing of valves are given in Figure 1. Potential pipework-to-valve end connection joint leakage is not evaluated as part of the...

API Security pdf download

API Security pdf download

API Security pdf download.Security Guidelines for the Petroleum Industry 1.1 Scope and Objective The objective of this document is to provide general guidance to owners and operators of U.S. domestic petroleum assets for effectively managing security risks and provide a reference of certain applicable Federal security laws and regulations that may impact petroleum operations. Domestic petroleum assets are widely distributed,...