API STD 530 pdf download

API STD 530 pdf download

API STD 530 pdf download.Petroleum and natural gas industries — Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the requirements and gives recommendations for the procedures and design criteria used for calculating the required wall thickness of new tubes for petroleum refinery heaters. These procedures are appropriate for designing tubes for service in both corrosive...

API Spec 7F pdf download

API Spec 7F pdf download

API Spec 7F pdf download.Specification for Oil Field Chain and Sprockets 1 Scope 1.1 COVERAGE This specification covers the manufacture of the compo-. nents for, and the assembly and packaging of, single and multiple strand, number 40 through 240, standard and heavy series roller chains for. oil field application’s, including chain designation, chain length tolerance, tensile strength specif- cations, pin...

API RP 2003 pdf download

API RP 2003 pdf download

API RP 2003 pdf download.Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents 1 Scope 1.1 General This recommended practice (RP) presents the current state of knowledge and technology in the fields of static electricity, lightning, and stray currents applicable to the prevention of hydrocarbon ignition in the petroleum industry and is based on both scientific research and...

API Publ 4723 pdf download

API Publ 4723 pdf download

API Publ 4723 pdf download.ReÞnery Stream Speciation The number of streams for any given unit in the TSCA report is overwhelming and many of the streams should have been combined. There are twenty one liquid streams and thirty eight gas streams listed for the atmospheric distillation unit and fifteen liquid streams listed for the vacuum distillation unit. Refineries do not...

API Publ 4716 pdf download

API Publ 4716 pdf download

API Publ 4716 pdf download.Buried Pressurized Piping Systems Leak Detection Guide I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Study Documentation Report (the Study) analyzes of the performance of different types of leak detection technologies that were applied to buried pressurized piping systems used in airport hydrant fueling and petroleum product terminals. The Study was conducted by Argus Consulting and Ken Wilcox Associates on...

API Publ 4690 pdf download

API Publ 4690 pdf download

API Publ 4690 pdf download.A Guide for the Use of Semipermeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) as Samplers of Waterborne Hydrophobic Organic Contaminats The focus of this work is the aquatic environment, which includes surface water, groundwater, and sediment pore water. Models are presented for estimating ambient concentrations of analytes for surface water and ground water, and environmental-specific limitations are discussed for...

API Std 673 pdf download

API Std 673 pdf download

API Std 673 pdf download.Centrifugal Fans for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services 1 General 1.1 SCOPE This standard covers the minimum requirements for cen- trifugal fans intended for continuous duty in petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services. Fan pressure rise is lim- ited to differential from a single impeller, usually not exceed- ing 100 in. of water Equivalent Air...

API Publ 4721 pdf download

API Publ 4721 pdf download

API Publ 4721 pdf download.Analytical Detection and Quantification Limits: Survey of State and Federal Approaches The American Petroleum Institute (API) conducted a review of state policies related to analytical detection and quantification limits, with particular focus on water quality and wastewater issues in permitting and compliance. Ten states were reviewed: Alabama, California, Illinois, Louisiana, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas,...

API SPEC 10D pdf download

API SPEC 10D pdf download

API SPEC 10D pdf download.Petroleum and natural gas industriesÊ Ñ Casing centralizers 1 Scope This standard provides minimum performance requirements, test procedures and marking requirements for bow- spring casing centralizers for the petroleum and natural gas industries. The requirements contained herein are limited, but are deemed adequate for use in oil field cementing. The procedures provide verification testing for the...

API Spec 1581 pdf download

API Spec 1581 pdf download

API Spec 1581 pdf download.SPECIFICATIONS AND QUALIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR AVIATION JET FUEL FILTER/SEPARATORS 2.1.1 Filter/separator A filter/separator is a vessel containing filter/coalescer and separator elements that continuously removes dirt and water from aviation jet fuel to levels acceptable for servicing modern aircraft. A filter/separator can have either a vertical or a horizontal configuration. A filter/separator can consist of multiple stages....