API Publ 4261 pdf download

API Publ 4261 pdf download

API Publ 4261 pdf download.Alcohols and Ethers—A Technical Assessment of Their Application as Fuels and Fuel Components 1.1 GENERAL 1.1.1 In 1971 the American Petroleum Institute (API) stud- ied the feasibility of blending ethanol with gasoline to aug- ment domestic fuel supplies for transportation. I After the first Arab oil embargo in 1974, interest in using alcohols as fuels expanded...

API MPMS 3.1B pdf download

API MPMS 3.1B pdf download

API MPMS 3.1B pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 3—Tank Gauging 3.1B.1 Scope This standard covers level measurement of liquid hydro- carbons in stationary, aboveground, atmospheric storage tanks using automatic tank gauges (ATGs). The standard dis- cusses automatic tank gauging in general, accuracy, installa- tion, commissioning, calibration and veriÞcation of ATGs that measure either innage or ullage. It covers...

API IP 1585 pdf download

API IP 1585 pdf download

API IP 1585 pdf download.GUIDANCE IN THE CLEANING OF AIRPORT HYDRANT SYSTEMS This publication is intended to give operators of airport fuel hydrant systems guidance in the following: (a) determining the state of cleanliness of existing hydrant systems and possible causes of contamination; (b) methods of cleaning hydrant systems that are showing signs of contamination with particulate material, water and...

API Publ 4700 pdf download

API Publ 4700 pdf download

API Publ 4700 pdf download.PRIMER FOR EVALUATING ECOLOGICAL RISK AT PETROLEUM RELEASE SITES The first step in evaluating ecological risk is to locate applicable Federal, state, or local guidance and regulations (“regulatory considerations” in Figure 2). Some spill or release conditions may be covered by existing regulations, and this primer’s users should be aware of how these regulatory considerations apply...

API MPMS 3.6 pdf download

API MPMS 3.6 pdf download

API MPMS 3.6 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 3—Tank Gauging 2 Scope This standard covers selection, installation, commission- ing, calibration and verification of Hybrid Tank Measurement Systems (HTMSs) for the measurement of level, static mass, observed and standard volume, and observed and reference density in tanks storing petroleum and petroleum products. It is up to the user to...

API Publ 4689 pdf download

API Publ 4689 pdf download

API Publ 4689 pdf download.Chemical Human Health Hazards Associated With Oil Spill Response This report provides an overview of potential human health hazards encountered by personnel involved with petroleum product spills or leaks. Widely distributed products are covered, including crude oil, gasolines, various middle distillates (e.g., kerosene, jet fuel, diesel fuel, and home heating oil), heavy fuel oil, and asphalt....

API MPMS 7 pdf download

API MPMS 7 pdf download

API MPMS 7 pdf download.Chapter 7—Temperature Determination 1 Scope and Safety Considerations 1.1 SCOPE This chapter describes the methods, equipment, and proce- dures for determining the temperature of petroleum and petroleum products under both static and dynamic conditions. This chapter discusses temperature measurement require- ments in general for custody transfer, inventory control, and marine measurements. The actual method and equipment...

API Publ 4702 pdf download

API Publ 4702 pdf download

API Publ 4702 pdf download.Technologies to Reduce Oil and Grease Content of Well Treatment, Well Completion, and Workover Fluids for Overboard Disposal The flowback of non-produced fluids (NPF) to surface de-oiling facilities on offshore platforms is a serious concern. These flowbacks create severe operational and performance problems for de-oiling water treatment processes such as gravity settling, flotation, hydrocycloning, and centrifugation....

API PUBL 4711 pdf download

API PUBL 4711 pdf download

API PUBL 4711 pdf download.Methods for Determining Inputs to Environmental Petroleum Hydrocarbon Mobility and Recovery Models 3.1 Sample Collection Analysis of product properties begins with obtaining representative product samples. Typically this is accomplished by bailing free product from monitoring wells or collecting samples from active free-product recovery systems. Samples should be collected from a sufficient number of points to characterize...

API Publ 4712 pdf download

API Publ 4712 pdf download

API Publ 4712 pdf download.Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources Dilution Stack Gas Samples Dilution sampling was used to characterize PM2.5 including aerosols formed in the near-field plume. The dilution sampler extracted a sample stream from the stack into a mixing chamber, where it was diluted approximately 21:1 with purified ambient...